Tuesday, 25 August 2009

Maine and Prop 1

Seriously, if you've not read Greta Christina's blog about this yet, do so.

Same Sex Marriage, And Why you Care Passionately About Maine

She's right, of course. If you lot across the pond get your asses in gear, you can keep this going, and keep it going until the rest of the States get it into their thick skulls that homosexuals are people as well, and that they deserve exactly the same human rights as heterosexual people.

Here, have a couple of links - the first one can be found on Geta's page of course, but open them now as you open her Blog.

Protect Maine Equality

Queer's United

Monday, 24 August 2009


I do apologise, I've been distracted elsewhere, and haven't updated in a while! ^^

As a consolation, have a link to my art blog, which I just updated with a bunch of new art yesterday:

Bag's Art Blog

I do plan to make a few posts in the near future, so bear with me ^^

Saturday, 22 August 2009

Birthers, Truthers and Highlighters now?

For those of you who haven't seen this yet (I found it on Pharyngula).

For my part, I'd just like to say that as a Brit who has had to use the NHS a couple times, these fucking American anti-'nhs'-style-health-reform arseholes need to grow up and look at exactly what it is that they are fighting against.

I really, truly admire the way you lot compare Obama to the Nazi's. It truly sounds like you know exactly what you're talking about. And not like you're in fact stuck so far up your own arses that I'm surprised you're not barfing your own shit. Really.

For fuck's sake people, the NHS may not be as perfect as it needs to be, but that's mainly due to lack of funding and incentive for new staff. In the most important way, it's brilliant. I am quite happy to thank the staff who have treated me or my loved ones in the past.

Get over it people, and find some real cause to get up in arms over.